FedEx Corporation , the world's largest express transportation company, leases much of its aircraft, land, facilities,and equipment. A portion of those leases are part of sale and leaseback arrangements. An excerpt fromFedEx's 2011 disclosure notes describes the company's handling of gains... 顯示更多 FedEx Corporation , the world’s largest express transportation company, leases much of its aircraft, land, facilities, and equipment. A portion of those leases are part of sale and leaseback arrangements. An excerpt from FedEx’s 2011 disclosure notes describes the company’s handling of gains from those arrangements: Deferred Gains Gains on the sale and leaseback of aircraft and other property and equipment are deferred and amortized ratably over the life of the lease as a reduction of rent expense. Required: 1. Why should companies defer gains from sale-leaseback arrangements? 2. Based on the information provided in the disclosure note, determine whether the leases in the leaseback portion of the arrangements are considered by FedEx to be capital leases or operating leases. Explain. 可以解釋一下嗎 不懂如何做 謝謝 更新: 可以的話請詳細解釋一下...真的不太懂 謝謝Q_Q
聯邦運輸公司 (FedEx corporation) 是世界上最大的速遞公司。很多它用的飛機,土地,設施,工具等都是向別人租的。這裡其中有一部分是它先賣給別人然後再問對方租回來。在2011年它發表的資訊中,其中有一段就是描述通過這種安排下獲得的利潤,它是怎麼樣處理的。 延後利潤:對於所有飛機,地產,設備等先賣後租而獲得的利潤,都會按比例分攤在租約的年期上,籍以減輕租金的開支。 作業問題 (required?) 1.為什麼公司要把這一種現賣後租獲得的利潤延後? 2.根據 FedEx 發表的資訊,這種現賣後租的租約,FedEx 是把它當成有關資產的租約呢,還是一般性經營的租約?請解釋。