yesasia 訂了野一定有貨?
我係yesasia 訂了野比晒$$ 用credit card 係咪一定有貨架?? 有無人試過比晒$ 之後無貨? 無貨咁點算??點退$? 咁送貨如果收貨人不在, 但收貨地址有人係咪都收得?
可能會冇貨 或二星期內都未找到貨源佢都會退錢 退錢方法有兩種: 一、YesAsia Credit(佢地o既網上貨幣) 二、支票 退錢方法唔知佢地點定,兩樣我都試過 金額小的一次是YesAsia Credit 比較大的一次是支票 支票會比YesAsia Credit處理得慢 另外,你是用credit card的話, 冇貨o既話,應該唔會扣你錢的(只會扣有貨的錢 即係唔駛擔心會比多o左錢而需要退錢 另外送貨是郵差叔叔上門的 如果收貨人不在那便要看看那位郵差盡不盡責了 正常都是必需收貨人親自簽署先可以 但有o的郵差唔駛簽署都ok= = 就算佢真係唔俾代收,佢會放張卡去你郵箱 你7日內去你家附近的郵局拎就ok了
yesasia might not have the goods you have ordered. BUT, they WILL refund your money. i bought videogames from them. if they have ran out of stock, they will mail me a cheque (i paid via direct transfer). not sure about refunding payments via credit cards. but i dont think it will be a hussle. as for delivery, i think it's ok as long as there's someone to receive your package. but that person has to open the door and sign the delivery card.CAAD3F79AE16AF09