請問各位師兄,若在美國修畢法律學位,可否回港做執業律師? 若在其他英聯邦國家修畢法律學位,如澳洲等,同樣可否在港執業? 抑或一定要在港修讀才可在港做執業律師?
1. I will say no for saving your time. a. Law is a postgraduate major in the U.S. You must have a Bachelor in order to get admitted. b. Bridging program and PCLL will be needed. 2. I will say no as well as Bridging program and PCLL will be needed For detail, you can refer to here: http://www.hklawsoc.org.hk/pub_c/admission/AdmissionasaSolicitor/pdf/Booklet_on_becoming_a_solicitor.pdf Please note - this does not apply if you have admitted into the Bar in the respective countries.
擁有普通法及非普通法管轄區域合資格的海外律師,可申請成為本地認可執業律師,但該律師必須符合本地保留資格,有關教育認可資格和執業經驗,或在律師界享有良好信譽、成功地完成或獲豁免所有或部份海外律師資格考試。|||||http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_school_in_the_United_States In the United States, most law schools require a bachelor's degree, a satisfactory undergraduate grade point average, and a satisfactory score on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) as prerequisites for admission. Some states that have non-ABA-approved schools or state-accredited schools have equivalency requirements that usually equal 90 credits toward a bachelor's degree. Additional personal factors are evaluated through essays, short-answer questions, letters of recommendation, and other application materials. The standards for grades and LSAT scores vary from school to school. For actual admissions statistics, visit http://officialguide.lsac.org/.CAAD3F79AE16AF09