急- 中文譯英文
客人急追貨期, 請盡快回覆#30P00002 12mm plastic support 和 24L moncler snap係唔係可以確定係5月22號送貨.
The client is in urgent need to have the exact/ confirmed date of delivery. Could you please reply (us) as soon as possible if the delivery of 30P00002 12mm plastic support and 24L moncler snap can be made on 22 May? "急追貨期" 跟 "急追送貨" 似乎不一樣. 從字面理解, 客人只是急需要知道確實的送貨日期, 而並非要儘快送貨. 圖片參考:http://mail.yimg.com/a/i/mesg/tsmileys2/01.gif 只要大家和平共處, 學習就自然是一件樂事
商業英語寫法, 建議如下. (a) Please = Pls (b) confirm = cfm (c) delivery = DLY (這個不常用, 有些人可能不明白) (d) and = & (e) advise = adv Version (1) Customer urged the delivery of #30P00002 12mm plastic support & 24L moncler snap. Pls hurry up to give an answer whether the goods can be delivered on May 22. Version (2) Customer urged to recieve the goods of #30P00002 12mm plastic support & 24L moncler snap. Pls promptly cfm whether the goods can be delivered on May 22. Version (3) ** 加強意思.. 沒有問係唔係可以... 而系講明一定的時間 Pls promptly cfm the goods of #30P00002 12mm plastic support & 24L moncler snap can be delivered on May 22. Custmer urged to recieve them without any delay. (or, recieve them on time) Version (4) Client (Customer) chase us very hard for the delivery. Pls urgently adv whether the goods of #30P00002 12mm plastic support & 24L moncler snap can be delivered on May 22. Version (5) ** 加強意思.. 沒有問係唔係可以... 而系講明一定的時間 Client absolutely needs the goods of #30P00002 12mm plastic support and 24L moncler snap within May 22. Pls cfm in return promptly (or, urgently).|||||The customer had expedited the delivery of the products. Please confirm if the #30P00002 12mm plastic and 24L moncler can be delivered on May 22nd as soon as possible. Thank you.|||||The visitor pursues the goods time anxiously, please as soon as possible reply #30P00002 12mm plastic support and 24L moncler snap is may determine that is in May 22 delivers goods.CAAD3F79AE16AF09