英翻中看看怎麼翻譯好 !!幫我看看
A: Six hundred, really? And do you fly big planes? I mean, have you ever flown a jumbo? B: No, I haven't. But I fly 727s and Airbuses. They're pretty big. A: Have you ever had a real emergency? B: Yes. Two years ago, we had problem when we were landing. The landing gear-the wheels- didn't... 顯示更多 A: Six hundred, really? And do you fly big planes? I mean, have you ever flown a jumbo? B: No, I haven't. But I fly 727s and Airbuses. They're pretty big. A: Have you ever had a real emergency? B: Yes. Two years ago, we had problem when we were landing. The landing gear-the wheels- didn't come down, so we landed without wheels.
A:機型600?真的嗎?那你飛大飛機嗎?我是說你有飛過大型客機嗎? B:不,從沒有。但我都飛波音727和空中巴士,他們真的很大。 A:有沒有遇過緊急狀況? B:有,兩年前我們在降落時遇到了困難。當時起落架,也就是輪子,無法放下,我們沒靠輪子就著陸了。 2009-06-16 11:15:44 補充: 那你開大飛機嗎?我是說你有開過大型客機嗎? 但我都開波音727和空中巴士 恩..翻"開飛機"比較好。 (其實波音和空中巴士都算大型客機了,對話間似乎有一種幽默或無理頭的感覺─如果這是對話者要給讀者的感覺的話。 如果能給我一些背景,比如對話的地點、場景、對話者的職業,這樣會翻得更好。
Excuse me~ "fly a plane" 應該是"開"飛機吧!