

10 question of islam


i want 10 question of islam (religon) i want to question around islam's religon


1. Man is better than woman? According to Qu'ran 23:5-6; 4:34; 2:228 Hadith Bukhari 1:6:301 2.Qu'ran never write Jerusalem. Why Muslim think that Jerusalem is their holy city? 3.Muhammad is a prophet like Jesus and Moses? Muhammad is a child of Ishmael Jesus and Moses are children of Israel. Jesus and Moses got chasing by king when they were young. Muhammad didn't. Jesus and Moses input new law to people. Muhammad says he follow their law. 4.The shape of Arabic allah look like a snake. Why the name is allah? Allah in hebrew means curse! 5.Jihad is necessary?Why there are nearly all of terrorist are Muslim. 6.How to explain the contradiction between Qu'ran and Bible. However, archeologist discovery proof Bible never been corrupted. 7.Muhammad commit all ten commandments! Is this the permission of prophet?! 8.The holy site in Kaaba was actually built in 6th century. Why Muslim said it was built by Isaac and Ishmael. 9.Is Arab-Israel conflict the proof of the racial supremacy due to Qu'ranic idea? Prooving Israel is the one got beaten up by Arab. http://www.masada2000.org/ 10.If Jews and Christian are following God's word. Why Muslim call them ass and pig and monkey?! 2007-11-15 21:35:15 補充: I apologize for my Grammatic mistake


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