

iPhone 6 and Samsung S4


Please compare the specification of iPhone 6 and S4 in an comprehensive manner. I am currently using S4 and I planned to buy iPhone 6. I would like to know more about the differences between them. Thank you.


As iphone 6 features are still not announced yet, the following comparison could be a bit inaccurate ;) 1. The iphones are made of aluminium while samsungs are made of plastic. So i guess in terms of shock resistance iphone have its advantage 2. The iphones' sizes and screens are smaller than samsungs', in terms of display and size samsung wins 3. Samsung's battery decay so quickly while iphone's battery is more durable, in terms of battery life iphone can sure win for that 3. You can change battery and add memory card in samsung while you can't do that in iphone. 4. iphone restrict you a lot in different areas e.g you can't directly download apple-authorized apps, musics, books, movies through safari, you can't custom your phone in your own style, while samsung allows you to do all of that. However, there is a way to solve this problem----> jailbreak your iphone - These are the main differences of s4 and iphone 6. And those speed performance, camera quality bla bla bla of the two devices are almost the same, so nevermind about those minor stuffs :) - personally i like iphone more than samsung because iphone is so handy and i feel like a boss when i'm using it. Using iphone is comfortable and looking through the features of ios 8, I believe that iphone 6 is worth-buying. (p.s I am using iphone 5 :)) hope this helps :) 2014-09-08 18:21:53 補充: correction: apple-unauthorized apps, not apple-authorized----------sorry for that


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