solve the following equations for 0≤a
1. cos a = -cos45° cos a = -√2 / 2[Then, we know that a is in QII or QIII] a = 180° - 45° or a = 180° + 45° a = 135° or a = 225° 2. tan a = -cos17° tan a = -0.956304756[Then, we know that a is in QII or QV] [Use calculator to consider what value of b would give tan b = 0.956304756.] [It turns out that b = 43.72047703°.] Therefore, a = 180° - 43.72047703° or a = 360° - 43.72047703° a = 136.27952297° or a = 316.27952297° 2015-03-21 17:42:48 補充: In Q2, [Then, we know that a is in QII or QIV] 2015-03-22 23:17:01 補充: 為了令同學容易去明白和計算,使用以下的步驟: (1)先判斷是哪一個象限 (quadrant):1,2,3,4 (2)不理正負,全部當正數計出角度(那麼這角度必定是小於 90°,稱為 a) (3)最後,根據(1)在以下四項中選適當的作答: a, 180° - a, 180° + a, 360° - a。 2015-03-22 23:18:26 補充: 例如:cos(x) = -0.6 (1)首先知道 x 是在 QII 或 QIII (2)然後想像 cos(a) = 0.6 得 a = 53.13° (3)答案是 x = 180° - 53.13° 或 x = 180° + 53.13° 2015-03-23 19:45:02 補充: 客氣啦~ 你咁勤力, 希望你可以考得好成績。
[Use calculator to consider what value of b would give tan b = 0.956304756.] [It turns out that b = 43.72047703°.]唔明点解要求出tan b,亦唔明白負0.9563...為何變成正0.9563...唔好意思呀,哩課有好多唔明白嘅地方,請知識長再指点一下! 2015-03-23 18:44:22 補充: 其實miss冇教我當正數計出角度,所以我冇辦法計得到,我再將exercise重做咗一次,全對喇!所以...知識長好多謝你!A9A39959EDCC7BE3