Study in U.S. Agent Recommend?
My son wants to go to U.S. for University, we want him to get into real top college in the United States. Is there any recommendation of agency/consulting services in Hong Kong that help with this? Many thanks!!!
I know one, it is called "Pinnacle Consulting", they focus on helping students to get into Top 50 U.S. Universities and if your son is one of those top students, they can even help him to get into Ivy League School, because their consultants are American with Admission Experience. Their Website: www.pinnacle.hk You may check it out.
Depends on what kind of college u want....if Harvard, Princeton, Yale, MIT, Stanford those kind then definitely hire a professional, b/c otherwise too hard la. If only want state U or community college, then self apply ok, no need to waste money lor...Just make sure the agent grad from top U themselves, also better if they are US ppl who worked in admissions office before....|||||The answer is no. In my 8 years spent in here and more than 10,000 questions answer, I never recommend any particular agency or consulting in any single instances. The reason is simple - each agent has its own agenda. Money, at the least. There is no one other than yourself can do a better job.