mozart sonata K.330 1st movement.
background, performing skills, interpretation, etc 1st movement. Can you tell me
It’s a tremendous challenge playing such seemingly easy Mozart sonata. The first thing one should ponder upon is the character. Most laymen think that Mozart’s music sounds happy; how about switching our view a little and look at Mozart’s music from another angle – one of immense beauty and elegance? My image of the 18th century aristocratic circle is filled with learned gentlemen and tastefully decorated salons, not glamour and glitter like celebrities of modern day. Mozart’s music was part of this elegant generation, and instead of playing this like most students do (or like most teachers recommend), I like it played with great delicacy, subtleness, and understatement. Pedal is certainly used, to round off a phrase and soften the sharp tone produced by modern piano. Nothing is violent here, just pure elegance. Note the tempo marking: Allegro moderato – and please don’t translate it as moderately fast! Allegro means bright and happy in Italian, and in fear of having brightness and happiness in excess, Mozart added the word Moderato behind Allegro to tame players who get too excited with this movement. Another piece of information not shared among musicians: in Mozart’s autograph there are no forte markings (f or ff). All the forte markings (f) were added in the first edition, published by Artaria, an company which Beethoven later had much trouble with regarding accuracy in their engravings (the first Beethoven sonata contains a wrong note that we could only guess it’s a mistake of Artaria). I am not a Mozart scholar, so I am in no authority here to argue the authenticity of these forte markings, but I am inclined to be a gentleman while playing this sonata and avoid playing forte whenever possible. The sforzando (sf) markings are Mozart’s own (not publisher’s), and they are roughly equivalent to Beethoven’s fortepiano (fp) markings, which are expressive rather than violent outbursts. Obviously, all basic pianistic commands are expected here: fluency, clarity in articulations, etc.. The above suggestions are my personal insights and research only. Feel free to suggest otherwise.