





事情係上星期二(12/8)我撞倒條腰,我就去睇西醫,佢就叫我照x光,佢問我會唔會有bb,我果時口快快答無(因為我係m期唔準既人,我試過3個月都未黎),所以我就去照左,點知...今日星期四(21/8),因為我條腰唔多舒服,所以去左急症室,點知先發現自己有左bb,醫生唔肯答我bb有無事,叫我去睇婦科,我即刻去睇,個女醫生叫我去照超聲波,我好緊張問佢我個bb有無事,第日出世會唔會有影響,佢只答我可能對器官,血液有影響,不過唔一定會,,,咁我就唔知點好,,請問各位有無人知照左x光片對bb影響有幾大,,大約幾成機會出世係健康???(我x光係照腰至盤骨) 心急人>>>.

X-rays are a type of high energy radiation that can reduce cell division, damage genetic material, and produce defects in unborn children, it depends on the level of exposure Unborn children are particularly sensitive to x-rays because their cells are rapidly dividing and developing into different types of tissue. Exposure of pregnant women to sufficient doses of x-rays could possibly result in: 1. Mmiscarriage or damage to unborn children, 2. Malformations or development of cancer later in life. 3. Growth retarded, or development of cancer later in life. With most x-ray procedures, relatively low levels of radiation are produced. However, as a safety precaution, the use of x-rays in pregnant women should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. Women who receive x-rays before realizing they are pregnant should speak to their doctors. The effects of x-rays on unborn children depend upon the period of pregnancy during which the x-ray was conducted. The following summarizes possible effects of x-ray exposure according to the time of pregnancy at which exposure occurred: X ray against to the week of Pregnancy Effect 0–1 week (pre-implantation) Death of embryo 2–7 week (organ development Malformations, reduced growth, cancer 8–40 week(fetal stage) Malformations, reduced growth, cancer, mental retardation It also found in a survey that more than 30 percent of family practitioners and 20 percent of obstetricians overestimated the risk of major malformations on a 6-week-old fetus as a result of X-ray exposure in the abdomen area. Actually, there is no definite % shown out the risk of having the an abnormal fetus after an early exposure to Xray. The estimating one from Canada is that the risk is 1 in 2,000 or 1 in 3,000. However, many studies show that the exposure of fetus to X-ray was over-stimulated. It is why the doctor hesitate to answer your question.


只可以講有機會有問題 但係唔一定 你駁唔駁你自己想 你千萬唔好以research既結果黎斷定 因為六合彩都會有人中

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