這些文字就是: 為使學生有一個自然學習環境,課室以植物盆栽圍繞,而一班有48人.
In order to provide to the students a natural study environment,the classroom is encirled by plants,and there are 48 students in the class. 2007-05-05 17:20:52 補充: 以下係字彙既解釋:provide-提供environment-環境encircle-圍繞p.s.唔好將encircle同haunting混淆,haunting既意思係縈繞,但縈繞既事物通常唔係指一樣實體 2007-05-05 17:24:50 補充: 其實用surround應該會好過用encircle,因為encircle含有從外面包圍既意義,而plants係o係課室裡面,所以都係應該用番surround先岩.所以句句子應該係:In order to provide to the students a natural study environment,the classroom is surrounded by plants,and there are 48 students in the class. 2007-05-05 17:28:01 補充: 再修改~XD"In order to provide to the students a natural learning environment,the classroom is surrounded by plants,and there are 48 students in the class.我轉左用learning...睇睇下真係發現左好多唔岩既地方呀~sor~ "
為使學生有一個自然學習環境,課室以植物盆栽圍繞,而一班有48人 =For make student have one learn the environment naturally, classroom with plant is the cultivated in a pot around, and 48 people after one class|||||In order to enable the student to have a nature learning environment, the classroom revolves by the plant bonsai, but a class has 48 people|||||In order to enable the student to have a nature learning environment, the classroom revolves by the plant bonsai, but a class has 48 people|||||As to make students have a natural enviroment area to study, so the plants are put around the classroom, moreover there are 48 students in a class. 2007-05-05 17:23:00 補充: 我E 句用D 字就簡單D.. =]希望可以 help u la ~~ =]|||||In order to make the student have a nature learning environment, the lesson room is surrounded with plant potted plant, and 1 class have 48 people.