Laws of Indices short question
1. [5^(n+2)-35(5^n-1)]/18[5^(n+1)] 2. [2^(n+1)]^2*2^[(-2n-1)]/4^n 3. Simplify [2^(n+4)-2(2^n)]/[2(2^(n+3)] 4. The H.C.F and L.C.M of three expressions are xyz^2 and x^3y^5z^4 respectively.If 2 of the expressions are x^2y^3z^3 and x^3yz^2,find the third expression. 5. The L.C.M of x,2x^2,3x^3,4x^4 and 5x^5 is... 更新: hey pingshek,you type something wrong ,right? O_O 更新 2: ;)haha 更新 3: well...i will really want to cry if yoy continue to blame me for no reasons From :-D changing to :’( 更新 4: you!!!
圖片參考:http://i1096.photobucket.com/albums/g340/pingshek/2013-10-16_zpsab92fac8.png http://i1096.photobucket.com/albums/g340/pingshek/2013-10-16_zpsab92fac8.png 2013-10-17 21:51:23 補充: Amendment of Q.4 : The H.C.F. and L.C.M. of the three expressions are xyz2 and x3y?z?. Among the three expressions : The lowest powers of x, y and z are 1, 1 and 2 respectively. The highest powers of x, y and z are 3, 5 and 4 respectively. 2013-10-17 21:51:48 補充: The two expressions are x2y3z3 and x3yz2 Hence, the third expression = xy?z? ...... (ans)
人家已經和解了,如果你覺得繼續爭辯下去會好d,你繼續吧!但我想同你講,人人都試過make grammitical mistakes ga la.....the pt. is 個人有冇intention 去hurt 人lor,but nvm....i know that U will still #…%.”(%*+^%@)^ about me..i do know...but just explain to U ...... 2013-10-19 11:36:19 補充: actually I want to say something for a long time,I know that pingshek is patient for answering me,but really,truly,because of someone,I need to give -ve comment|||||三位請聽在下一言。 pingshek 和 Schoolgirl :-D 都是我的朋友。 相信以上是誤會,大家也沒有惡意的。 同學是鬼妹性格,說話率直一點,只是問問師兄是否打錯第四題。 這個 hey 看上來在我們傳統一輩的人聽來的確是比較欠了幾分尊重。 加上一句 haha 更容易惹人感到嘲笑的意味。 但如果你熟悉同學,就知道她只是想在這裏輕鬆一點說話,她也沒有細想到別人看起來可能感覺不太好~也只是文化不同,也不是故意的。 pingshek師兄相信也了解~ 大家也就別放在心上了,以後注意一下就好了~ (???) 2013-10-17 02:11:28 補充: 其實解答打錯的少許東西並沒有影響答案,請看以下分析: Question: The H.C.F. and L.C.M. of three expressions are xyz2 and x3y?z? respectively If 2 of the expressions are x2y3z3 and x3yz2, find the third expression. Answer: The third expression is xy?z?. 2013-10-17 02:11:41 補充: Analysis: We first know the expression must be of the form x^a y^b z^c. Consider the part with x, note that the H.C.F. has only one x, but the other two terms have more x individually, so we know a = 1. 2013-10-17 02:13:40 補充: For y and z, note that the L.C.M. has higher powers in y and z when comparing to the two expressions. Therefore, it must be the third expression which contribute that high power of y and z. Thus, b = 5 and c = 4. 2013-10-17 02:20:41 補充: 我想講講,pingshek 一直以來都用心為大家解答數學和化學的問題。 而且列出的步驟清晰明確,讓讀者很容易就明白。 大家應該欣賞 pingshek 這份心意,他清楚表達的答題技巧是很值得大家學習的。 2013-10-17 23:43:00 補充: 嗯嗯~ 我覺得冷眼旁觀和Schoolgirl :-D 都講得有道理~ 冷眼旁觀、pingshek、我,作為多作答的會員,的確希望發問者可以說清楚一點。 因為我們作為回答的,一來要理解問題,二來要思考問題,三來要打字回應,四來要解釋清楚,還有很多很多(有時還要擔心被人胡亂檢舉、被發問者刪題、被人抽秤等等)...所以我們都希望發問者也可以解釋得好一點,所以冷眼旁觀有道理。 至於 Schoolgirl :-D ,作為一個緊急發問的中學生,未必想到那麼多,所以想這句就說這句,也不可以算是錯的。有一句她說得很正確,她也並非存心傷害人,所以我覺得事情也可以作罷,只是一些小誤會。 2013-10-17 23:46:48 補充: 如果講起存心玩野,大家得閒睇下我的知識檔案,睇下我係點樣被人玩的!!! 我完全唔知道得罪左邊位神人??? 我地的主角 pingshek 師兄都未發言,相信佢都唔會介意ga啦~ 由佢第一次咁禮讓我,我就好欣賞佢,即刻add左佢~ ^__^ 大家努力工作和讀書。 有空來分享交流知識吧~ 冷眼兄,以後繼續多多指教大家~|||||為甚麼用這麼差的態度對幫助你的人? pingshek 全部打錯了,他不應該幫助這樣的人! 2013-10-17 22:02:08 補充: 不滿的原因,並非 hey 和 haha。而是: 1. 人家為你用心的回答問題,你只說人家打錯了字,並不說是哪裡打錯,難道要人家重做一次嗎? 2. "You type something wrong ,right?" 用的是 present tense,是平時經常做的意思。譯成中文是:「你(時常)打錯嘢,唔係咩?」 唉!算了吧!