?? jupas choices
I got 25 in CE C Chi E Eng (retake D) B Math others ABBBB predicted AL result CLC UE PURE CHEM PHYbest D D BACMedium D E CCCBad E E DDD which one should not be put in my choices, please help ! Thanksmy choices (choices only but... 顯示更多 I got 25 in CE C Chi E Eng (retake D) B Math others ABBBB predicted AL result CLC UE PURE CHEM PHY best D D BAC Medium D E CCC Bad E E DDD which one should not be put in my choices, please help ! Thanks my choices (choices only but not priority ) 4501 MEDICINE 5713 ACCT 6107 BDS 6901 BSc 1561 Sc COMP SCI 更新: 2216 BBA/ACCT 2450 BSc/MATH 1016 BBA ACCT 1547 BSc SURVEY 1626 BSc COMP MATH 3624 OT 3648 NURSING 3789 SURVEYING 4824 ECONOMICS 4446 INFORMATION ENG 4628 CHEMISTRY 4721 STATISTICS 更新 2: 4202 INTEGRATED BBA 4513 NURSING 4666 FOOD & NUTR SCI 5103 MBMS 5177 CHEM 5218 MATH 3911 ACCOUNTANCY 7319 BBA(Hons) (Acctg. Stream) 8246 BEd(P) - Math
以我個人認為 4501 MEDICINE 5713 ACCT 6107 BDS 擺1~2個已足夠 特別係medi同bds,兩科差唔多收分,入到前者就差唔多入到後者, 淨係放你想入多d那個就夠 其餘沒多大問題,只是看排位而已