
"live" 幾時讀 "live" ,幾時讀"life"?


詳細描述! 更新: 我原本打"live" 但顯示成"life" !





live1 KK: [] DJ: [] vi. 1. 活,活著 Are your parents living? 你父母親健在嗎? 2. 繼續活 He lived to the age of 70. 他活到七十歲。 3. 住,居住[Q] She lives about ten miles from my house. 她住在離我們的屋子大約十英里遠處。 4. 生活,過活[Q] The family lived on relief. 這家人靠救濟生活。 5. 享受人生 I want to live, not just to exist. 我要享受生活,而不僅僅是活著。 6. 存留 These books will live through out the ages. 這些書將是傳世之作。 vt. 1. 過(生活);度過 That young man lived a life of luxury. 那年輕人過著奢侈的生活。 2. 實踐;經歷 None of the others have lived my experiences. 其他人沒有一個經歷過我的這些遭遇。 live2 KK: [] DJ: [] a. 1. 活的,有生命的[B] We sell live fish. 我們出售活魚。 2. 燃著的 We cooked the steak over live coals. 我們在燃燒著的炭上煎牛排。 3. (炸彈等)未爆炸的 4. 通著電流的 Stay away. That wire is live. 別碰它。那電線是帶電的。 5. 實況播送的 We watched a live television show. 我們觀看了一場電視現場直播的表演。 ad. 1. 在(或從)表演現場;以實況(轉播) The football game was televised live. 足球比賽由電視現場直播。 不會讀"life", 除非Alive Alive KK: [] DJ: [] a.[F] 1. 活著的;現存的[Z] The injured man is unconscious but still alive. 受傷的人不省人事但仍活著。 2. 有活力的,有生氣的,活躍的 Although he is eighty, he is still very much alive. 他雖有八十歲了,但仍然充滿了活力。 3. 敏感的,注意到的[(+to)] Are you alive to what is going on? 你注意到正在發生的事嗎? 4. 熱鬧的;充滿的[(+with)] The town was alive with rumors. 鎮上謠言四起。 5. 通著電流的 The wire is alive. 這條電線帶電。


when the word "live" is used in the context of a verb, it is pronounced "live". e.g. they "live" in Hong Kong when the word "live" is used in the context of a noun, it is pronounced "life". in this case it is usually in plural form. e.g. cats have nine "lives" however, most people would use the word "life" when in singular form. e.g. he had a meaningful life.|||||live is sounded "live" when we say alive--- the sound will become "a life"

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